This book is being released during a time when the social climate is gripped with fear and many have questioned, where is God in the midst of it all?!
God created and established the origin of mankind with a specific intention in mind. And we must go back to our source to fully understand our role and how we were given authority to establish a lasting impact on the world!
ENJOY this short, but impactful book of God-driven strategies to make America great! Now more than ever, it’s time for a change!
♦ Invite you to know who God is
♦ Inspire you to pursue purpose
♦ Encourage you with uplifting messages of hope
♦ Stimulate your mind to expand your thinking
♦ Unlock your hidden treasures “within”
♦ Enable you to walk in health & wealth
♦ Inspire you to build, grow, & expand your ministry & business
♦ God inspires
♦ Creativity flows
♦ Destiny revealed
“I just want my life to be “NORMAL”? Something I have said repeatedly in the heat of the moment when what appeared to be an unbearable situation hit me head on. In the midst of praying and crying; I heard the Lord say with such a calm voice that brought peace to me; “Your life is NORMAL”. Then He asked the question that I know He knew the answer to, “ What if this is the way that your life is suppose to be”?
Have you ever asked yourself the question, why is my life the way it is? You may have a wonder to yourself, “could my life have had another outcome? Or Why can’t my life be normal? We spend an entire lifetime trying to find pieces to this puzzle called life. Some of us get frustrated along the way, and in the midst of the frustration we find joy, happy and sad times all wrapped up in a time capsule. God created us all with a purpose in mind and He wants you to know in totality how to journey through life. Soon it will all make sense! Take a journey with me and others to get a few view points as to how to look at your life differently. Your life just may be what Normal looks like.